Avindra Nath M.D.
National Institute of Health
2012 recipient of the
ISNV Pioneer in NeuroVirology Award |
The International Society for Neurovirology honors Dr.
Avindra Nath with the 2012 Pioneer in NeuroVirology
Award. Research from Dr. Nath’s group is at the heart of
many noteworthy findings regarding molecular mechanisms
by which HIV damages cells of the CNS. It is widely accepted
that HIV injures neural cells by both direct and indirect
mechanisms. This dogma was established in large part by
findings from Dr. Nath and colleagues. Early in the HIV
epidemic, Dr. Nath and colleagues described a mechanism
by which the HIV protein Tat depolarized neurons by
activating NMDA receptors. These observations prompted an
explosion in the field of HIV protein-mediated neurotoxicity
studies and paved the way for the hypothesis that HIV
damages cells of the CNS in multiple ways. Furthermore, Dr.
Nath’s work on the crosstalk dynamics among glia, neurons
and virus pioneered a new direction for investigations of viralhost
crosstalk and molecular mimicry. Expanding upon
findings regarding the crucial and unique roles that the
neuroimmune system plays in the progression of HIV CNS
disease, he conducted important clinical studies addressing
the increased risks of HIV patients for developing an immune
cell-mediated encephalitis called CNS-immune reconstitution
inflammatory syndrome (IRIS). A review of the more than 200
publications from Dr. Nath and colleagues clearly
demonstrates a career conducting true translational science.
Dr. Nath’s work has lead to the development of several neuroprotective compounds that are in various stages
of clinical trials. His significant and most extensive
contributions toward unraveling the complicated
molecular crosstalk between virus and host are equally
matched by findings from his clinical studies that have
shaped current trends in best practices for the care of
HIV patients and patients suffering from other CNS
Dr. Nath began his medical career in 1982 after
receiving an M.D. degree from the Christian Medical
College in Ludhiana, India. He then completed
neurology residency and a neuroimmunology fellowship
at the University of Texas Health Science Center in
Houston. In 1988, he was a Visiting Associate in the
Section of Molecular Virology and Genetics, Laboratory
of Viral and Molecular Pathogenesis at the National
Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).
In 1990, Dr. Nath joined the faculty at the University of
Manitoba, Departments of Internal Medicine and Medical
Microbiology, where he remained until he was recruited by the Department of Neurology at the University of
Kentucky in 1997. Dr. Nath then joined the Johns
Hopkins University in 2002, where he served as Director
of both the Division of Neuroimmunology and
Neurological Infections and the Neurovirology and
Neuroimmunology Laboratory. He also served as
Co-Director of the Neuro-AIDS Translational Research
Center. Recently, Dr. Nath joined the NINDS in
Bethesda, Maryland as the Clinical Director of the
intramural program where he plans to build the clinical
program through recruitment of new faculty and the
development of a Translational Neuroscience Center.
His commitment to education and to
promoting promising young researchers is evident by the
scores of undergraduates, graduate and medical
students, residents, and junior faculty who were trained
under his guidance. Dr. Nath is a founding member of
ISNV and has been an active part of the society since
1988. He is currently the Vice President of ISNV, and
continues to be a driving force behind the growth and
success of ISNV.